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Course profile is presented from the point of view of principles and foundations of the theoretical-methodological conception and of the general guidelines for the methodological development of teaching.

Principles and Foundations of Theoretical-Methodological Conception

The structure of the course is organized based on the following principles:

  • Basic training with a high scientific and technical level;
  • Training that allows students to develop their general culture and operate in an environment where both technical and scientific knowledge and training in the human and economic fields are important;
  • Professional training with polytechnic knowledge in thermal, electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, in addition to energy savings and environmental preservation;
  • Professional training courses offered from the first period;
  • Multidisciplinarity, characterized by the offer of disciplines from different areas;
  • Solid theoretical training, developing the ability to understand Nuclear Engineering as an applied science, in order to be able to actively participate in discussions about problems with professionals from other areas;
  • Basic training of a generalist nature, with multi and interdisciplinary structuring, allowing the articulation between the activities that make up the curricular proposal;
  • Stimulating activities that socialize the knowledge produced by the faculty and students, affirming the inseparability between teaching, research and extension;
  • Encouragement of complementary activities, with emphasis on scientific initiation, extension, monitoring and participation in academic, scientific and cultural events;
  • Integration of theory with practice in a flexible way for the development of competences and skills that lead the student to search, interpret, analyze and select information, identify relevant problems and carry out research projects through solid technical foundation.

General Guidelines for Methodological Development of Teaching

The Nuclear Engineering Course has a conventional duration of five years. In order to graduate,the student must take 4225 hours, distributed as follows:

  • Mandatory courses – 2880 hours;
  • Optional Academic Activities (conditional choices) – minimum 480 hours;
  • Optional Free Choice Activities – minimum of 60 hours;
  • Optional Academic Activities (Group 1 – Human) – 60 hours;
  • Optional Academic Activities (Group 2 – ACE) – 405 hours;
  • Supplementary curricular requirement “Graduation Project” – (180 hours);
  • Supplementary curricular requirement “Mandatory Internship” – (160 hours);

The compulsory subjects comprise the basic training subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, informatics) which are essentially the same as the Polytechnic School already teaches to other Engineering courses; general training subjects (social, economic and administration sciences and environmental sciences), in this case with a broader set in relation to current courses; in addition to specific Nuclear Engineering training courses.

Optional academic activities (conditional choice) and optional free choice activities allow the student to tailor the course to their particular peculiarities. In the set of optional (conditioned) subjects, these are offered in order to expand the Nuclear Engineering course in the sense of an energy engineering course, or that expand the technical and / or managerial skills of students.

The supplementary curricular requirements have the objective of allowing the student to integrate the diverse knowledge acquired in the different disciplines, apply them in the solution of real problems (or very close to reality) and seek to solve them as a team and also generating adequate technical documentation.
