Accessibility Tools

Skills and Abilities

  • Have a scientific culture in order to be able to actively participate in problems with professionals from other areas;
  • Communicate well in oral and written form;
  • Know how to produce numerical and graphical syntheses of data;
  • Master a foreign language, preferably English, at least at the reading level;
  • Have managerial skills;
  • Perform basic and applied research in the different areas of Nuclear Engineering;
  • Establish relations between science, technology and society;
  • Commit to constant professional development, assuming the availability of flexibility and availability for continuous changes.

Graduate Student Profile

The egress student, in addition to solid engineering knowledge and a systemic view of his problems, will have developed a critical and creative spirit, which imbues him with a strong ethical and humanistic stance that is increasingly necessary in all areas of knowledge, as well as enabling for the multi and interdisciplinary management of the Nuclear Engineer’s duties.

The high-quality theoretical and practical training in their education will enable graduates to exercise technical leadership activities in the industrial, governmental and consultancy areas, directly reaching government agencies, public and private companies, non-governmental organizations, as well as, in general, professionals for the autonomous exercise of their activities.

In general, graduates from the Nuclear Engineering course at the Polytechnic School of UFRJ must acquire, during their apprenticeship, technical and scientific competence to deal with engineering issues involving:

  • Synthesis and problem analysis capability;
  • Identification, formulation and solution of engineering problems;
  • Ability to plan, monitor and execute projects;
  • Ability to search for cause and effect relationships relevant to Nuclear Engineering;
  • Ability to evaluate the interactions between engineering actions with the environment;
  • Perception of control over the use of environmental resources;
  • Mastering of support techniques and tools applicable to nuclear and environmental management;
  • Mastering of intervention techniques for the mitigation and remediation of environmental impacts;
  • Mastering of actions to conserve natural resources;
  • Mastering of the systemic approach in the processes of formulation and evaluation of development projects.